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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 8, 2020

Ministry of Industry and Trade initiates the Investigation of Imposing Anti-dumping Measure to some H shaped steel products (AD12)

On August 24th 2020, Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade signed the Decision No. 2251/QD-BCT regarding the Investigation of imposing Anti-dumping measure to some H shaped steel products from Malaysia. Related parties may by themselves or authorize to experienced law firm in Vietnam on international trade to work with Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV) to cooperate.

On November 06, 2020, Trade Remedies of authority of Vietnam (TRAV), Ministry of Industry and Trade received the dossiers on requesting the anti-dumping measure to some H shaped steel products from Malaysia. The requester is Posco Yamato Vina Steel Joint stock Company – the sole company which produced H shaped steel in Vietnam.
The requester provided the reasonable bases for calculation of dumping margin originated from Malaysia. The requester provided the reasonable information to prove the significant damage of domestic industry. The requester’s dossier proved the existence of causal relationship between imported products and the significant damage of domestic industry.
Hence, TRAV determined dossier of the requester satisfied the law of anti-dumping and petition of Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Investigation’s details
i) Products under investigation
Product’s name: H shaped steel
The H shaped steel product with the following HS code: 7216.33.11, 7216.33.19, 7216.33.90, 7228.70.10 and 7228.70.90
The products which are excluded from investigation scope includes:
The H shaped steel with the height more than 700 mm (± 4mm) or the width more than 300 mm (± 3mm);
H steel beam with the size of 100mm x 55mm or 120mm x 64mm (the description size is height x width).
The Ministry of Industry and Trade may amend and supplement the list of HS codes of the product under investigation to be in accordance with the description of the product under investigation and other changes (if any).
ii) Originated of products under investigation: Malaysia
iii) Period of investigation (POI)
-Period of investigation to determine the anti-dumping action: from April 1st 2019 to March 31st 2020
-Period of investigation to determine the damage of domestic industry:
The first year: from April 1st 2017 to March 31st 2018
The second year: from April 1st 2018 to March 31st 2019
The third year: from April 1st 2019 to March 31st 2020
iv) Duty Levels Proposed by Requester:
The anti-dumping duty which is requested by the requester is 10,2%.
Register as related parties:
Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular No. 37/2019/TT-BCT, organizations and individuals stipulated in Article 74 of Law on foreign trade management may register as related parties in this case with TRAV in order to access to publicly circulated information during the investigation process, send comments, information and evidence related to the investigation content within sixty (60) working days from the day on which the decision on investigation takes effect via post or email.
In order to ensure rights and interests, the investigating authority recommend that organizations and individuals which produce, import or use products under investigation register as related parties to carry out the right to access information, provide information and express opinions during the investigation process.
Investigation Questionnaire:
Within 15 days after the issuance of the investigation decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Investigating Authority shall send the investigation questionnaire to the Related Parties, including:
-The applicant requests for application of Anti-dumping measures;
-Other domestic manufacturers which Investigating Authority knows;
-Parties requesting for application investigation of anti-dumping measures which Investigating Authority knows;
-Importers of products under investigation;
-Diplomatic authorities of the country where the origin of products under investigation;
-Other related
Cooperating in the investigation process
Any related party refuses to participate in the case or does not provide necessary evidences or significantly ​obstructs the completion of the investigation, the investigation conclusion regarding such relevant party shall be based on available information.
Any related party provides false or misleading evidences, such evidences shall not be reviewed and investigation conclusion regarding such relevant party shall be based on available information.
TRAV recommends that related party participate and cooperate fully in the process in order to ensure legitimate rights and interests and avoid potential disputes.
ANT Lawyers - a Vietnam law firm with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or serive request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529
Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam.

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 8, 2020

How Licensing of Trademark Works?

Licensing of industrial property subject in general or of trademark in specific is regulated in Intellectual Property law.  Accordingly, in trademark licensing, the owner (licensor) grants permission to another (licensee) to use that trademark on mutually agreed terms and conditions. The licensing of trademark must be established in written form to avoid dispute in trademark licensing.

Accordingly, licensing of trademark includes the following types: exclusive contract, non-exclusive contract; sub-license contract.

Firstly, exclusive contract means a contract under which, within the licensing scope and term, the licensee shall have the exclusive right to use the licensed trademark while the licensor may neither enter into any trademark license contract with any third party nor, without permission from the licensee, use such trademark.

Secondly, non-exclusive contract means a contract under which, within the licensing scope and term, the licensor shall still have the right to use the trademark and to enter into a non-exclusive trademark license contract with others.

Thirdly, trademark sub-license contract means a contract under which the licensor is a licensee of the right to use such trademark pursuant to another contract.

In any type of the contracts, it is required to have the following contents: full names and addresses of the licensor and of the licensee; grounds for licensing; contract type; licensing scope including limitations on use right and territorial limitations; contract term; licensing price; rights and obligations of the licensor and of the licensee.

Besides the above contents, the parties also need to take note on the validity of this contract. Different from assignment contract of trademark when it is required to register at National office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam to take effect, the licensing contract of trademark does not required this kind of registration for taking effect. Licensing contract shall automatically be terminated upon the termination of the licensor's trademark right.

If Client needs any more information or request for legal advice regarding licensing of trademark or dispute in trademark licensing contract, our Intellectual Property attorney inVietnam at ANT Lawyers will be of help.

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 8, 2020

TRAV Receiving Review Application of Products of Chinese and Korean origins (case No. AD04)

On August 20th, 2020, Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam (TRAV) – Ministry of Industry and Trade notified on receiving the dossier for reviewing flat-rolled alloy/non-alloy steel products, varnish painted or scanned or coated with plastics or other covers from China and Korea imported into Vietnam.

Specifically, on November 24th 2019, Minister of Industry and Trade issued the Decision 3198/QĐ-BCT on imposing the official decision to some of the flat-rolled alloy/non-alloy steel products, varnish painted or scanned or coated with plastics or other covers from China and Korea.

According to Article 82.1.a Law on foreign management 2017: “After 1 year from the day on which the decision on imposition of anti-dumping measures is issued, the Minister of Industry and Trade may decide to review anti-dumping measures at the request of one or multiple interested parties and evidence provided by them.”
Regarding the right to submit request dossiers regulated in Article 58.1 Decree 10/2018/NĐ-CP: “Within 60 days before the end of one year from the date of issuance of the decision on the imposition of official anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures or the latest decision on the results of the review of anti-dumping measures, countervailing measures, the concerned parties as prescribed in Article 59 hereof may submit the dossiers for review, except for cases where the submission deadline is less than 09 months before the time limit for the Minister of Industry and Trade to decide whether to carry out the final review of anti-dumping or countervailing measures”.

Accordingly, the scope of review request of the interested parties regulated in Article 74  includes but not limited to the following contents:
-The product scope subject to anti-dumping measures;
-The anti-dumping margin imposing to some specific foreign enterprises;
-The damage of domestic industry.
After finishing the reviewing period, based on the investigating result, TRAV will propose Minister of Industry and Trade one of the following options:
-Continue to impose the anti-dumping measure in accordance with the current law; and/or
-Adjust the anti-dumping measure in accordance with the reviewing result; or
-Bring the anti-dumping measure to an end.
The performing of the procedures related to the reviewing period will not affect to the effective anti-dumping measures imposed currently.
The reviewing dossiers must be filed sufficiently and timely to TRAV before 5 p.m on October 24th 2020 (Hanoi time)

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 8, 2020

The cases for marriage registration be rejected when marriage with foreign elements

When marriages with foreign element are rejected?
Before a foreigner and Vietnamese decide to get married, they must have known each other for some time. However,due to difference in cultures, and laws in different countries, they might fall under cases which are not allowed by Vietnam State Authority to get married.

-One or both parties fail to reach the Vietnam legal age of marriage

-The foreign applicant is not old enough to get married under the laws of the country where he/she is a citizen or permanent resident (for stateless persons)

-The marriage is not voluntarily decided by both parties

-There is deception, forced marriage

-One or both parties are married

-One or both parties lose the civil act capacity

-The parties are in the direct line of descent or relatives within three generations

-The parties are or have been father, mother and child, father-in-law and daughter-in-law, mother-in-law and son-in-law, stepfather and his wife’s children, stepmother and her husband’s children

-The parties of the same sex (men marrying men and women marrying women)

-The marriage registration is also be rejected, if the results of the interview, examination, verification show that the marriage through illegal brokers, sham marriage does not aim to build a prosperous, equality, progress, happiness and sustainability family, married inconsistent with the habits and customs of culture, taking advantage of the marriage to trafficking in women and sexual abuse against women or for other personal benefits.

ANT Lawyers provide services for marriage and family, please contact us for advices at email: or call us at +84 28 730 86 529.

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 8, 2020

Legal matters concerning marriages and divorce in Vietnam

Vietnam family laws covers all legal matters concerning marriages and divorces, including marriage registration procedures, and divorce procedures, matters concerning separate or joint ownership assets and property, child custody, child support, and dispute on related matters.
Vietnam marriage laws have developed during the past 40 years and are still connected with changes in the thinking of the Vietnamese society and are thereby not exempt from future amendments that might appear simultaneously with the changes in Vietnam’s fast emerging society. The legal fundamental basis for marriages in Vietnam is the Marriage and Family Law.  Some of the main points that are included in this law’s mission are for contributing to build and protect the marriage and family regime as well as to protect legitimate rights and interests of family members. The essential legal provisions of the Vietnam marriage law requires and determines: a required marital age for male is at least 20 years and female 18 years; marriages must be voluntary, progressive, monogamous marriages in which husband and wife are equal; marriages between partners of different nationalities, religions etc. are respected and legally protected but marriages between married people, people without civil act capacity, between the same direct blood line or within three generations, between (former) adoptive parents and children or parents- and children-in-law and stepparents and stepchildren, are forbidden. Although the marriage between persons of the same sex is not forbidden any more but the State shall not recognize it.
Furthermore, marriage or remarriages must be registered with the competent State bodies (registration offices) where either of the marriage partners resides. Vietnamese citizens living abroad shall refer to overseas Vietnamese diplomatic missions or consulates for services.  Unless otherwise provided by law, the provisions of the Marriage and Family law also are also applicable for foreigners involved in Vietnamese marriages.  In case a treaty to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party contains provisions different from those of this Law, the provisions of such treaty prevail.
The registration procedures might differ in some points for foreigners because of the documents required from their home countries.  Papers issued, granted or certified by competent foreign agencies for use in the settlement of cases and matters of marriage and family shall be notarized, legalized, except cases eligible for exemption from consular legalization under treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party or on the principle of reciprocity. Foreigners must demonstrate that they are eligible for marriage in compliance with the law of their home countries. According to the Vietnam Marriage and Family law, foreigners enjoy the same rights and obligations like Vietnamese and Vietnam provides protection for the legitimate rights and interests of Vietnamese living abroad in marriage and family relations in accordance with the law.  In the case of a marriage between a foreigner and a Vietnamese, each one must abide by the legislation of his/her country on the marriage conditions. The law also bans marriages whereby foreigners take advantages related to human trafficking, sexually abuse against women.
The law on marriage and family has brought a positive change to the role of the family in Vietnamese society and the traditional values ​​of marriage and family. These legal provisions have contributed to the protection and perfection of a progressive marriage and family regime by creating legal standards that keep pace with the times but also respect long-standing traditional values ​​of Vietnam. However, Vietnam still lacks complex mechanisms to deal with all those involved and another problem is that some clauses are overlapping and are not clear enough to address outstanding issues such as: cohabitation system such as husband and wife, separated or surrogacy. Prenuptial agreements, premarital agreements or similar marriage contracts are not recognized in Vietnam. However, agreements on joint assets, or division of assets during marriage are recognized but certain procedures have to be followed.
Lawyers at ANT Lawyers have experience with registration of marriage, divorce procedures or dispute matters of assets, properties in Vietnam.